July 27, 2013


Having been judged one of the best 200 digital artists on the planet by Luerzer's Archive we received a few copies of what I think is the first official compendium on CGI in print advertising. Although I have seen many of the artists and their work before, never in one place or curated in this way. It's come a long way, this art form that didn't have a home within photography, illustration, retouching or computer graphics, but just somewhere in-between until the term CGI was coined. The book opens with a letter from the Editor that gives some insight into Luerzer's thinking behind the first book of its kind, but also features a breakdown of the countries in which artists submitted from around the world. Why am I not surprised that Germany is Number One with the US a close second? Could it be that CGI is the marriage of method and madness? Two things the Americans and Germans are really good at?

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